Saturday, September 28, 2013

Baby Rattle Cupcakes

 By Christy

I'm in that time in my life when it's seems like wedding season never ends. First it was my friends from college that started getting hitched and now I have 4 good friends from Nashville that are engaged….5 including myself! So I am no stranger to showers, especially wedding showers!  I know that once all these weddings start to fade into history that "baby" season will just be around the corner and thanks to this week's theme on Bcb I'll be prepared to make some super cute treats for baby showers!

This week I made baby rattle cupcakes. What's so great about these is you can decorate them in lots of different ways, in all different types of colors to match your baby shower theme. They were super easy and over the last few years I have discovered cupcakes are always a hit at parties and showers! Also, I wanted to say thank you to the reason we had "baking for baby shower" week on BCB site- To The Moon And Back Boutique. Thanks to this Esty site we will be giving away 2 free onsies to some of our fans. Don't forget to sign up to win!

This is not a recipe but a tutorial on how to decorate Baby Rattle Cupcakes

Step 1: Bake whatever flavor of cupcake you desire
Vanilla Cupcakes
Step 2: Make Icing. My favorite is Magnolia Bakery's vanilla buttercream icing.

Step 3: Using food coloring, dye 3/4th of your icing the base color you want the cupcake to be. (I chose yellow). Use the remaining icing to dye the colors you want to use to decorate the rattles.

Step 4: Ice each cupcake with a generous portion of icing. I used a metal wilton angled spatula to easily spread the icing onto the top of each cupcake

Step 5: After the icing on the cupcake has gotten firm (about 5 to 10 minutes) take a paper towel and lay it flat on the icing. Using your fingers, gently smooth the icing below the paper towel by rubbing your fingers across the paper towel smoothing the icing below. My favorite type of paper towels to use are Viva because they are completely smooth, but for these I only had normal towels with a texture and they still did a good job.

Before on the right, after smoothing with a paper towel on the left
Step 6: Using a coupler, icing bag and Wilton's tip #22, make a slight U shape squiggle across the center of the cupcake. Make sure to incorporate the slight U shape to make the illusion that the cupcake is round like a baby rattle.
I use Wilton's Disposable Icing bags with couplers
Wilton Tip #22

Step 7: Using tip 107 and another shade of icing add "flowers".  A flower is made by squeezing the icing bag with a firm amount of pressure until a small circle of icing is formed and then release pressure. Don't worry if the icing leaves a point… once the "flowers" have slightly hardened, use your finger tip to push in the points.
Wilton Tip #107

With slight pressure, push in the "points" on the flowers
Step 8: Using a circle tip, I used tip #5, make the center of the flowers with a very small dot of icing.

Wilton Tip #5
Step 9: Taking lollipop sticks add a ribbon or bow to the end. If you are worried about them falling off a little hot glue will do the trick below each bow. Push the undecorated end of the lollipop into the side of each cupcake to represent the handle to the rattle.

Please check out our sponsor, Caryn Hammond, of Rodan + Fields Dermatologist's  amazing site for amazing products! 

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