Be Our Sponsor


The Buttercream Bakers have decided to open their doors to bloggers and business owners who would like to promote their businesses on our blog as a way to help support our baking habits. Please check out the available ads at the bottom of the page.

Since we started on our blog in 2011, we have grown significantly from just a few readers a week to an average 200 hits per day, and over 6,000 hits per month and steadily growing. We also have a Facebook page (161 likes), Twitter account (709 followers), and a new Instagram and Pinterest account. Please feel free to check them out.

Product Reviews

We would love to review your product for free.  In order to be true to our readers, keep in mind that we will review your products honestly.  Email us if you would like to discuss reviewing your products at


Here at Buttercream Bakers we are always open to giveaways.  If you would like to host a giveaway here on our blog, please email us at

We use Rafflecopter to host our giveaways.  This allows us to ask readers to like us and you on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.  At the end of the giveaway, the winner will be picked at random through Rafflecopter and announced on our blog.

Your giveaway will be exclusive for one week and will be tweeted about and posted on Facebook at least twice.

Please contact us with any questions about our sponsorships, product reviews, and giveaways at  We look forward to hearing from you!

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