Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Treats!

By: Christy

Witchy Woman!

In honor of it being Halloween today, I decided to write about the Halloween party I hosted Saturday night! One of my favorite activities is hosting and entertaining and this Halloween I took full advantage with a Halloween costume party! With my house decorated, cute Halloween goodies made, and about 30 of my friends dressed in super festive costumes, we celebrated Halloween 2011 in style!

I know BCBs (Buttercream Bakers) is dedicated to giving out dessert recipes but since this is a special occasion, I figured I would bend the rules a little. The food wasn't the main focus of my party but none the less I tried to be creative. Some of the food I served included witch's fingers, hot dog mummies, and spice cake pumpkins. All were super festive but most importantly totally easy! (Both of which are prerequisites for hosting a party!)

Enjoy, and I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Halloween!
Inspired by Pillsbury
Hot Dog Mummies
1 Package of Hotdogs (I used cheese filled, YUM!)
1 Package Crescent Rolls, cut up in strips
Cut the hot dogs in half. Take the crescent strips and wrap the bottom 2/3's portion of the hot dog with overlapping strips of crescents. Repeat technique with a small portion on the other end of the hot dog, leaving a small space between. Bake at 350 until the crescent roll strips are golden brown. Add mustard dots in the open gap between breading as eyes for the mummy.

From Food and Wine Magazine
Spice Cake Pumpkins
1 box spice cake made according to box using mini bundt cake pans
black licorice sticks

2 tablespoons melted butter
2+ tablespoons water
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Orange food coloring

Once mini cakes are baked and cooled, poor icing over each cake until completely covered with icing. Cut licorice sticks in 2 inch pieces and stick straight up in the middle of each cake.

Witch's Fingers
1 package of string cheese
Almond slices
cream cheese

Cut each string cheese in half. Using a knife, make cuts in cheese to look like knuckles. Using cream cheese like glue, apply a small amount of cream cheese to the back of an almond slice. Place almond slice (cream cheese down) on the end of the string cheese. Trim the edges of the cheese around the almond slice to make the tip of the finger look pointed.

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