Thursday, March 14, 2013

No-Bake Ding Dong Cake

by Cindy

You all know how I love chocolate, and yesterday I tried this delicious new chocolate dessert.  Kim, one of my coworkers, brought it in for a going away lunch for one of the other women.  It kind of reminds me of Robert Redford Cake but has a few differences.  For one thing, it's actually a little faster and easier to make - who wouldn't like that?.  The crust is the chocolate coating of the Ding Dong.  That thin chocolate coating at the bottom was my favorite part. After that, it's very close to the other cake recipe, which is really good too.  Robert Redford Cake has competition!  This is ohhhh so yummy!

No-Bake Ding Dong Cake

12 Ding Dongs
2 - 8 oz. tubs whipped topping
1 - 8 oz. pkg cream cheese, softened
2 t vanilla
2 small pkg instant chocolate pudding
3 cups milk

Cut Ding Dongs in half and place cake side up in 13 x 9 inch pan.  Mix softened cream cheese and 1 tub of whipped topping and vanilla.  Spread mixture over Ding Dongs.  Beat milk and pudding mixes until thick.  Pour over cream cheese mixture. Top with other tub of whipping topping.  Refrigerate overnight.

Recipe from Kim Hayden from
shared by deblou


Sharla said...

I have been trying to not make any full fledged "desserts" over the last few months and am opting for all natural products...BUT I think I'm going to have to make an exception for this one. It looks so good!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It is unbelievable!! I almost are the entire thing myself. Lol. One tip- make sure you use a sturdy dish. I used an aluminum pan and the desert is heavy.