Thursday, June 7, 2012

Robert Redford Cake

by Cindy
This recipe has been around for many, many years, and I remember the first time I ever tasted it.  I was in my 20's and working in Clay.  There was probably only one or two restaurants to choose from, but we went to this restaurant that was on Main Street quite often.  I think it was located about where Clay Video used to be or in that area.  I would order a chicken salad stuffed tomato and then get Robert Redford Cake.  It was glorious.  Some people call this cake Better Than Sex Cake too.  I looked on the web and didn't see this exact recipe anywhere, but I went back to my old cookbooks from Clay and this is the exact recipe that I had that first time because it is Carolyn Bowling's recipe.  I think she and her husband owned the restaurant.  It's not any kind of fancy schmancy recipe, but it is easy and plain good.  It's a hit at any pot luck too. I used to make this recipe often using low-cal and sugar free ingredients, but I wanted to share the full fledged Robert Redford Cake with you, because it really is better than the low fat version (go figure-lol).  Oh and by the way, I really do love Robert Redford - still

Robert Redford Cake

1 pkg (13 oz) Pecan Sandies Cookies, crushed
1/2 cup melted butter
1 (16oz) large tub Cool Whip
1-8 oz pkg cream cheese, softened
1 cup sugar
1 large pkg instant chocolate pudding
3 cups milk

Crush cookies or chop them in a food processor taking out any large pieces.  Mix the melted butter with crushed cookies and press into a 9x13 inch pan. 
Whip cream cheese then add sugar.  Add 1/2 of the Cool Whip and mix together.  Place dollops all over the cookie crust and then spread it evenly over the crust being careful not to disturb the crust. 
Mix the pudding with the milk until thickened (whisk a couple of minutes).  Pour this onto the cream cheese layer.  Let the pudding set for a few minutes then carefully spread the rest of the cool whip on top.  Garnish with nuts or mini chocolate chips.

recipe adapted from
Carolyn Bowling's recipe in
Butter 'n Love Recipes
Clay Elementary School Cookbook


Whitney Perkins said...

I make something very similar to this, the only difference being the crust. We call it 'sin pie' and it is sooo good!

Buttercream Bakers said...

It is sinfully good! Thanks for the comment.